Tuesday 20 August 2013

Everything Has Changed

"All I know since yesterday is Everything Has Changed."-Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran

Hey peasants! (jk jk)

I hope you all love the new blog template. I am so happy with the changes. I took almost 3 hours to edit everything. Although it is not as professional as any other blogs out there but at least it's something for an amateur like me.

Alright. My new plan for this blog is instead of me always busy and only post like once a few months which is bad for a blogger, I could do like mini updates of my life weekly. Just like what it says on my blog description.

So since we're already on that topic, let's just catch up on what you've been missing the past few months. Actually when was the last time I updated? Oh, 2 and a half months ago. Woops!

Yeah, technically not much exciting happened. Like seriously. Well, there is bad news and good news. Bad news, actually tragic, Cory (Monteith) died. That was a real shocker for me because I loved him a lot and he was one of my idols but I won't let the tears come back. The good news is Best Song Ever. That's just the best MV ever. They've really achieved a lot. And also, did you hear that Singapore is opening the 1DAsia tour? Also 1DWorld has already open here. Like about time. Ahhhh! I can't even. But anyways, I've got a lot to elaborate on the blog.

The things that has changed:

Like always.

"About Me" section
I realised that you know, there are some basic things that you should know about me. So I edited that for that purpose.

Profile picture
It is a girl holding a skateboard. Lately, actually since I've got my waveboard in 2010, I've been uh, obsessed with this skateboard hobby thingy (I have no idea what it's called). And only now that I have shown the obsession more. And uh, I'm working my way to my own Penny skateboard; a deal I'd made with my dad. But that's between him and I.

Blog template
Alright, so I changed this one because I needed something that says "Hazirin" which is my name if you didn't already know. And I decided to use the drawing of the back of a girl as my background. I hope you like it because I went through a whole lot of pictures in my tumblr to find the right one and also asked for my sister's opinion. She has sort of has the same style as me so I went with her opinion.
And it all came up to this picture.

Also if you realised, the fonts have changed too. I changed it to my own liking. I hope it won't be a pain to your eyes. If there is anything that you don't like about the fonts, just leave me a comment or a message in the CBOX.

Basically, that's it. I don't think I left anything out. I just customized whatever needed. Also, I realised that only posts from this one onward the fonts would change. I don't know how the other posts can't change but I'll try to fix that. 

I think that's all that happened so far in the past 2 and a half months.

Oh I forgot that this whole week, I have school at home or in other words, E-learning. Can I just say that it is SHIT? Like I haven't learned that much as I do at school. Basically for my school, the whole you just have to stay at home and you'll have a 1-hour subject per day. Yep. And the way we have lessons is through this system that my school set up. I'm just making the best of it. Because we have one or two lessons a day and the rest of the day, we are free.

If you're wondering about my book, I'm still writing it. Although I'm taking a really really long break. I just figured that I would write like a few chapters at a time instead of writing one chapter then posting it and then procrastinate for another two months and write another chapter. I think that'd be pretty unfair for my readers. Okay I'm gonna just do what all my favourite Youtubers do at the end of every video.

I think that's all for this week. I'm sorry that there isn't much but that's all I got. Don't forget to follow me on my social media accounts. And also don't forget to read my book, I'll update soon!

Alright byeeeee.


-live, laugh and love

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