Friday 11 July 2014

At The End Of The Day, It'll All Be Okay

"It's all about you. It's all about you, baby."- It's All About You by McFly

Hey beautiful members of society.

It's Friday and you know what that means?!

It's Hazirin's rap-up of the week. I'm tryna make this a thing so just go along with it, okay?


Was boring. But it's the weekends so yay.


Was boring. But it's the weekends so yay.


Youth Day so school holiday for us secondary school youths.

Celebrated my sister's birthday which is on Tuesday.


My sister's birthday.

First thing in the morning. Saw the video, saw all the tweets. Connor left O2L. I was utterly devastated. You can ask my friends. At first, I was just not believing it and that it was prank week. But now, I like to think he just stop making videos on the channel and still is in O2L. I could go on and on about this but, not gonna just because.

There was a Youth Day celebration. The Science, Math, English, PE & Creative Arts Departments had a performance each for the students. Hilarious, tummy hurts.

Also, Teen Wolf. Singapore's timing is different so the episodes release on Tuesdays. Lacrosse is back. Also, Dylan Sprayberry and Mason Dye. Umpf the new characters.


Nothing much. 


Math tests suck. They can just eff themselves. Also literally 2 hours after we took the tests, my teacher released an email about who will be going for the retest. Basically he took two hours to mark our tests. He is crazy but props to him for not procrastinating. Pfft insane, man.

Library club that day was awesome. I'm starting to like it a lot. The seniors are so nice and I just can't. 

Also, Failah (another close friend a.k.a. fai) and I had our initiations. We had to hold up a paper which states our name and class and then they'll take a picture of you. Pretty much like a mugshot.

They're creating a library website so that's pretty cool. We also have a new project in the process which includes the Young Sherlock Holmes series and we are creating a crime scene in the library and they're using our storyline (fai, ati and i) so I'm psyched.

Friday. (Today)

Creative Arts lesson today was fun and hilarious. Unlike last week (ew). 

My Mother Tongue teacher complimented my group project's work and used it as an example. I'm entirely proud of that.

Also, I realise that since school started, I've been more organised and been handing in my work before the due date. I'm so proud of myself for making this improvement. Cause I'm a big procrastinator and I mostly hand in my work late or do it last minute. But now I'm doing that much less. And I'm so happy.

Y'rite that's it guys. I'm gonna do a little bit of work after this or maybe watch a movie. I don't know, it's Friday. The options are endless! Have a good one guys. Check out my social media links below and goooodbyeeeee.

Side note: I'm trying to focus more on the positive stuff here with these weekly updates. Unless the negative shit is a big thing then yeah.

-live, laugh and love

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