Friday 25 July 2014

I Need A Happy Little Pill

"Cocaine, dollar bills and my happy little pill. Take me away."- Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan

G'day beautiful individuals!

It's Friday, Friday and you better know what that means. I know Caspar Lee is excited.

He tweets that every Friday.

I'm in a much better mood than I was when I wrote the previous post. Sorry 'bout that. Shall weeee?


Racial Harmony Day here in SG to commemorate the 1964 Race Riots, which took place on 21 July 1964 (cr: wikipedia o.o). It was fun, yeah.

I also bumped into the closest senior I have in Crescent. Urgh, I miss her so much. I didn't even know it until I saw her. I haven't seen her since the last performance. She made my day to be honest.


It was a half day because there was the 'O' Level Mother Tongue listening comprehension. Decided not to go to school because there was nothing much. Didn't wanna waste my sleep.



My school has this program called Share-A-Thought which happens every Wednesday. Basically every Sec 2 and 3 class is given a theme to create a skit on. My class is going on next week (30/7) and apparently I am gonna be dancing. Oh, well. Time to not worry about anxiety and stage fright. Can't back out and disappoint my class.

Troye released Happy Little Pill on his tumblr when it was supposed to come out on Friday. It's indie. So guess who's psyched. I have it on replay right now. Can't wait for the rest of the EP.


Had my oral exam. Which I wasn't prepared for by the way. I was prompted the question of who my source of inspiration was. I said my mom. Genuinely, actually, she was the first person that came to mind. Then I had a conversation with my examiner who is also the teacher in charge for the malay performances and other stuff. Turns out when my parents went to see her during parents-teachers meeting thingy, my mom actually cried because she was worried of me. I never knew that she cried. And then my teacher went on to say what my mother told her and stuff. I was struggling not to cry back there. I didn't know my mom felt that way. I didn't tell that her I knew though. She doesn't need to.


This is the first time I would actually be dancing on stage. I don't know how to feel about that. People say I'm good though.

I don't know why but lately, I have been unhappy. I don't know why though. It's like my mind just goes..sad, which would then lead to a bad day for me. It's not happening just once but like almost everyday now. I had it today. I was fine for a portion of the day but towards the end of school, my mind is just drained of happiness. It's like it needs batteries filled with happiness. Except this is one spoilt battery cause it works for only a few hours. See? I don't even know what I'm on about.

Also, scraped my knees today. THANK YOU FRICTION. PERFECT FOR RAYA.

I guess meeting my senior again today made my day. Even though she said we (Ati and I) made hers cause we kinda ran across the road to see her. YEP. It made my day to know I made someone's day.

Also, I had to wear make up to prove to my mom that her make-up doesn't fit my skin tone. So that's that. Make-up ew. But for Raya, it's an exception I guess.

OH! And has anyone seen the Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer? It's smoking hot.

That's all. So yeah, I'm still dealing with the unhappiness issue. I can't talk to anyone about it, which sucks. I can't stop it and I don't know how. On the brighter side, Happy Little Pill MV comes out today and this week is definitely better than the last.

Thanks for reading my sob stories. Follow me if you want.


-live, laugh and love

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