Sunday 28 October 2012

Your Life Depends On You


I have added Young Blood to my playlist so that's an update. Also, one thing that I had forgotten to tell you is that I've finished watching Teen Wolf Season 2. I was like so bloody excited for the finale. Like I had so much feels. asdfghjkl.

Ahem. Moving on. You can tell by the title that this one would be quite deep. Maybe not as much as you probably thought of but..I'm not that old so I don't have much experience. 

I'm gonna start now, I guess. 

Okay. I don't know how to start this.  

Has anyone of you ever thought why you are brought into this world? Have you thought of what the point is to live? I know we are all  from different religions and we all have different point of views. But in this post, it's mine. A 12-year-old girl's point of view. 

I always have moments when I ask myself why? Why this and why that. But today I asked myself why I'm born? In other words, what is the point of me living? As I know, nobody is perfect. Let's be honest, alright? I mean, I'm only 12-now that you guys know. I still need to find myself. I don't know what that means but I might have a clue. I think it's about knowing the reason why I am living. I still don't, and that saddens me because I've been searching for a long time. Might not be for some people, considering that I'm only 12. 

I always try. I always think that I'm brought to this world to make others happy. And if one is happy, I'm happy. I'm always optimistic and help the ones I care about or those around me when I can. Trying to get them to smile and making their day. People say I'm nice and all that but, am I really though?  

I get rough at times because sometimes I just lose myself. I'm not collective or calm. But sometimes, I'm so grateful for what I have in life. The greatest people who I meet and glad to have in my life. 

That's why I think that life is a beautiful gift from God. Although, it may seem like everything is tumbling down and against you. In the end, you still get to enjoy the best parts.  

I just like to be happy all the time. I don't think anyone deserves to be upset. I just love my life the way it is. There are changes. But changes happen for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.

So what is the meaning of life? That's a question that only you can answer. Our answers are all different. But for me, like most, I'm still searching for mine. Follow me on my social media links.


-live, laugh and love

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